Gady's and Lentleman, the first animation ever uploaded to the a disaster! I was watching a video on how to grow your YouTube channel and somewhere along there I found the guy in the video saying that a good way get more viewers is to "harness the power of the trends". I chose the asdfmovie. Which wasn't really a trend, but it was (and ultimately still is) a very popular video series. So I decided to take about half of the audio from it and make it into my own thing. Looks like it turned out horrible. So yeah.

I hate this vid with all my heart

The drawings made for this animation WEREN'T MADE WITH MS PAINT!
I'm actually okay with how this turned out. I think the way our character ended up was a pretty accurate way to describe my feelings towards how annoyingly bad MS Paint is. Don't you think?
I finished this in about 45 minutes. Hence, the incredibly small amount of (Effort) drawings in the video.
Short ASDFMovie
MattBoo and Braydog's Awkward Encounter
My MS Paint Review
"Animation isn't the illusion of life; It IS life"
-Chuck Jones