Ladies, gentlemen. Small ladies and small gentleman. Behold, for if you scroll any further down, you will be exposed to Satan's true best friend (Besides Fred, of course). The torture that lurks below is the stuff that makes Hitler look like Mother Teresa. Chances are though, you don't give two cares and you probably are already thinking about scrolling down. If so, it's your funeral.
Satirical warnings aside, this page was made specifically for stuff I made that's so bad, it can even make my YouTube channel look worse.
So, if you're willing to scroll down, might I recommend seeing a psychiatrist afterward. Like, a really good one.

The Abandoned
Vine Account
It's another boring day in mid-2015 and out of the blue, I (For whatever reason) decide to start using vine.
I admired the creativity of a lot of people on Vine at the time. The person who's work stuck with me the most was Thomas Sanders. He was a God.
At one point I decided to create my OWN Vine...thing.
In the end I only made one Vid on that site. It involved my Dog, Chief. In this dumpster fire of a video, I voiced my Dog. He asked me,"Oh boy, I hope there are no other dogs at your house."
I say,"Er...Yeah...Definitely."
After I said that, a sound effect of a dog barking is played and the thing ends.
And then I never used the site again.
The End.

The Dead Website of 2012
It's 2012.
Everyone's debating about the "end" of the world, the Patriots have lost the Super Bowl, and the Cubs still haven't won a World Series in over a hundred years.
Fast forward to 2017, and you'll find that all 3 of those concepts no longer exist.
But one problem from that time has recently come back to haunt me: My own website.
Don't get me wrong, the site you're currently using at your fingertips is one that I really enjoy using.
But I'm not talking about THIS site.
Let's fast forward back to 2012 for a moment.
There were many things I was obsessed with. 4 of those included writing/typing, watching UFC, Playing this on the Playstation 3, and using the internet.
This may come as a shock, but I still enjoy using the internet whilst writing/typing.
The other two I'm not at all obsessed with anymore but, whatever.
Either way, one day I decided to blend all of these interests into one website.
If you decided to click on the link...
This three-headed monster of a blog consisted of me typing down whatever I fealt like typing(Ya know, just like litteraly every other blog ever)
Although, there's one question that has a 0.0001% chance of poping into your little mind. That being; Why is this post titled The "DEAD" Website of 2012? What's up with the quotations?
It is dead right?
Well, sorta.
5 years have passed since I've updated it and I actually still kinda plan on using it.
Seriously, 5 years since I've even looked at this thing.
But why would I wanna use it again?
I believe it's for the same reason Nick is bringing back "Invader Zim".
Because Nostalia.
At the end of the day, this will be my primary source for website stuff.
And the news section of this site will be my primary source for updates.
But this abomination of words made by using Google Sites will be a sort of secondary outlet for my....uh...words